s1=c1 is a linguistic-gesture unit/chereme [in analogy with phoneme; specifically, nonvocal] representing/that is recognized meaningful conceptual subunit underlying specific gestures/gesture-phones s2 in language b1 used by b2 in order to communicate/express b3=c2 (si'o/du'u; not quote) made using body part/utensil/tool/locus c3 by motion/action/means c4
s1 (phone/speech sounds; specifically is linguistic and vocal) is a phoneme in/of segment of utterance/speech stream s2=v1 in language b1 of speaker v2=b2 in order to communicate/express b3 (si'o/du'u; not quote(?)), produced with body-parts/tools x6 at loci/in position/manner (of articulation) x7
x1 (observer/perceiver) senses external stimulus x2 via means x3 (sense/sensor) under conditions x4; x3 is a sense organ/exteroperceptor used to observe x2 which is outside the observer x1 under conditions x4.
x1=b1=k1 is North America and South America;
x1 is Pan-American; x1 pertains to the Americas or reflects nationality/culture/geography thereof in property x2=b2=k2.
m1=b1 is a rampart/bulwark/wall/fence protecting m2 from danger/threat m3, physically separating/partitioning b2 from b3 (unordered), of/in structure b4.
p1 is a doctoral degree or equivalent education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
p1 is the eighth closest planet (default is Neptune if p2 is the Sun) revolving around p2 (default is the Sun), with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that at least one element of the veljvo is ultimately not a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
x1=c1 (zo) is a cmavo with a predicate role or semantic structure which expresses predicate x2=b1 (quote/du'u) between arguments x3=b3 (ordered list), the said cmavo being of form or in category/class x4=c2 in/and belonging to language/dialect x5=c3.
x1=c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of x2=c2 used by x3=c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is a brivla x4=v1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] x5=s3 (ka/ni), in language x6
x1 is a mass-individual (myopic singular, Mr Broda); x1, or rather every individual among x1, is logically an individual but represents a plurality and has the properties of what it represents
x1=v1 is an authoritative document of x2=v2 (data/facts/du'u) about x3=v3 (object/event) preserved in medium x4=v4, by authority x5=c1 over matter/sphere/persons x6=c2 derived on basis x7=c3.
c1=d1=m1 (space/volume/region/room) is d2=m2 cubic decimetres/decimeters (m3) measured in perpendicular directions (triple)/defined by set of points (set)/occupied by c2=m3 by standard m4.
c1=m1 (space/volume/region/room) is m2 cubic metres/meters (m3) measured in perpendicular directions (triple)/defined by set of points (set)/occupied by c2=m3 by standard m4.
g1 (person/mass) attacks with a projectile weapon/shoots victim g2 with goal/objective g3 using launcher/gun c1 which launches/fires/shoots projectile/missile c2 propelled by propellant/propulsion c3.
p1 is an upper secondary education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
k1=t1 is/are using baby talk/caretaker speech/infant-directed speech (IDS)/child-directed speech (CDS)/parentese to c1=k2=t2 (default: infant/baby) about subject t3 in language t4.
x1 is a pincer/mandible/jaw/grasping body part of x2 which is primarily comprised of two major parts which move relative to one another via scissor actions but which otherwise has little dexterity or mobility
x1 is a false negative/deceiver in failing (producing negative result in) test x2 which tests for x3 as a result of effort/under conditions x4; x1 is falsely found to have (negative result) property x3 by (negative result of) test x2 under conditions x4
x1 is a false positive/deceiver in passing test x2 which tests for x3 as a result of effort/under conditions x4; x1 is falsely found to have property x3 by test x2 under conditions x4
is a scallion/green onions/spring onions/salad onions/green shallots/onions having hollow green leaves and lacking a fully developed root bulb (genus Allium) of species/variety x2.
x1=f1=c3 authors/creates book x2=c1 about/containing work x3=c2 for audience x4=c4 preserved in medium x5=c5 for purpose x6=f3 from elements/ideas/inspiration x7=f4.
co1 is a/the anterior (zootomy)/cranial/cephalic end (anatomy)/superior end (human anatomy) of body/object cl1; co1 (subevent) is at the starting point of long event/time-intervall cl1.
co1 is a/the anterior (zootomy)/cranial/cephalic end (anatomy)/superior end (human anatomy)/fore/bow (nautical)/nose (skateboard etc), of body/object cl1; co1 (subevent) is at the ending point of long event/time-intervall cl1.
x1 is a cross-section of object x2 which has an axis, such that the cross-section is made perpendicular to that axis (viewes along it), contains contents x3, and is x4-dimensional.
x1 is a form of ornamentation arranged cylindrically and which is meant to be viewed so that its axis is collapsed to a point (in perpendicular cross-section), which adorns x2
xa1=ce1 is a small arm/gun for use against xa2 by xa3, launching small projectile ce2=cm1, defined as small arms by standard cm3, projectile propelled by ce3.
t1 is a microscope used by t2=ca1 for looking at small things t2=ca2=cm1 which are small in property/dimension(s) cm2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm cm3.
x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that each element of the veljvo is ultimately only a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
p1 is an asteroid/meteoroid/bolide (before impact or atmospheric entry)/comet/planetoid/minor planet/dwarf planet/small celestial object (which nonetheless is bigger than dust or grains of sand/particulate) revolving around p2 with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
x1 is an asteroid belt, generalized Kuiper belt, or other such belt in stellar/star or planet-centered/planetary ring system x2, extending over and throughout region x3, including/containing objects or points of interest x4, with other properties/orbital parameters x5.
ci1 (mass) is a nomenclature/system of names interrelated by nomenclature rules ci2 among names/terms cm1=ci3 (set (of quoted words)), used by cm3 (person(s)) with systemic functions/properties ci4 (ka).
c1 (si'o) is a nominal scale of units [names and/or (meta-)categories and other qualitative classifications] for measuring/observing/determining c2 (state).
x1 (li) is the (signed) difference between the average of all elements/data of x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) and single number x3 (li; default: infimum of x2 under ordering x6 if such is finite), using averaging function x4 (default: arithmetic average), weights x5 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with the same cardinality/length as x2; default: according to notes), and inherited ordering x6 (default: standard ordering on the set of reals).
x1=p1 is the t(h)alweg (path following the deepest points along the course) in/of/belonging to geographical/hydrological/potential feature x2=c1=t1 from x3=p2 to x4=p3
ci1=cr1 is a heads-up display (HUD) for user s1 of machine/system s2 based on principle ci3. It is shown/visible in front of cr2, as seen from the user's viewpoint.
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is an equinox for season x2 at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is a solstice of extreme r3 = x2 ("ka" construct or season; default: "ka zmadu", which means "Winter solstice", unless context makes this interpretation untenable) at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
cu1=ct1 is a textbook for teaching ideas/methods ct3 (du'u), by author cu3 for audience cu4=ct2 about subject(s) ct4 by method ct5, preserved in medium cu5.
b1 is a french press/press pot/coffee press/coffee plunger/cafetière/сafetière à piston for filtrated liquid b2=j2 [default: coffee] with filter j1 prohibiting passage of solids j3=d2 pressed by force d1, container made of material b3 with lid b4.
x1=t1=s1 acts like/similarly to fictional/imaginary character x2=t2=s2=xa1 imaginary to x3=xa2 in that they wear similar clothes, under conditions x4=t3.
x1=das1 is a signal recording and playback tape-type medium (cassette/DAT/tape drive) containing data/sound/image x2=dat1 with data storage mechanism/method x3 (analog/digital)
d1=k^21=p1=k^11=m1 is d2=k^22=k^12=m2 (default 1) myriads [tens of thousands of square kilometres] (area unit) measured in perpendicular directions (set)/defined by set of points (set) p2=m3 by standard m4.
d1=k1=m1 is d2=k2=m2 (default 1) myriametre(s)/Scandinavian miles/tens of thousands of metre(s) [non-standard unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3 by standard m4.
The date [day,week,month,year] x1=d1=k1 is recurrence/repetition of the date [day,week,month,year] of the first event x2=d2, for the x3=k3'rd time, in system x3.
c1 is a transistor / electrical regulator which allows electric current c2 = df1 to flow under conditions c3 in / on / through df2 flowing in direction to / towards df3 from direction/source df4.
ca1 is a drip coffeemaker [default: electric] for producing coffee ca2=cu2=ck1=d1=f1 by dripping coffee to pot f2 from mechanism f3 in gravity well/frame of reference f4, controlled/[triggered] by ca3 (agent).
c1 is an/the accounting function/activities involving persons c2, using currency issued by j2, recording v2
(data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event); c1 is accounting.
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is an equinox for season x2 at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is a solstice of extreme r3 = x2 ("ka" construct or season; default: "ka zmadu", which means "Summer solstice", unless context makes this interpretation untenable) at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
x1 is the temporal direction of/toward solstice x2 (event or spacetime coordinates or season (usually specify year); default: Summer solstice) from origin/in reference frame x3 at location/for body x4 and with respect to orbit/sun x5.
x1=d1=k1 is a role-player / player of role playing game / RPG / LARP or dramatic / acting game x2=d5=k2 about x3=d2 created by author/ company x4=d3 for audience x5=d4.
x1=d1=sk1 is a role-playing game/ RPG/ LARP or dramatic/ acting game played by performer(s)/ player(s) x2=d5=sk2 about x3=d2 created by author/ company x4=d3 for audience x5=d4 .
x1 is an equal temperament dividing the interval x3 (default: octave, 2/1) into x2 (default twelve) equal parts, forming x4 (default: equal tempered semitone) as the fundamental unit.
x1 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) is a multiple of x2 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) by some integer, namely x3 (li; MUST be an integer in the structure; possibly, more than one input may be valid), in algebraic structure x4.
j1=c1 (object/person) makes a deep dive beneath/below/under from c2 (object/water surface) to depth d1 in frame of reference c3=d2 by standard d3, submerged in liquid j2 .
x1 pertains to/reflects the culture/geography of the British Isles/the Anglo-Celtic Isles (Insular culture), possibly including Brittany (especially in its early British history), in aspect x2.
x1 is reality / "the real world" ("this" world, the world the speaker and [presumably] listener reside in), containing/defining x2 (objects and facts) defined by rules x3
x1 is so x2 (ka) that x3 (nu); x1=ckajiZ1=ckajiP1=raunzu1 satisfies property x2=ckajiZ2=fatci1=raunzu2=zmadu2 enough that x3=raunzu3, where ckajiP2=kanpe2=zmadu2.
x1=fadni1=tugni1=tugni2 (set/group of people) have consensus agreement that x2=tugni3 (du'u) is true about matter/topic x3=tugni4, consensus having been formed among supergroup/superset x4=fadni3 (group/set of persons which includes all of x1) according to standard x5.
k1=j1=c1=f1 drift dives to destination k2=f2 from origin k3=f3 in drifting frame of reference f4, via route k4 using means/vehicle k5 in
liquid j2 beneath/under/down from c2 (object/water surface) in downward frame of reference c3.
c1 is a translation of version that c2=f2(original/sourcetext) is translated by c3=f1(translator) from f3(original language) into f4(translation language)
m1 is an example/instance of developmental/evolutionary stage/state m2=t1 of developing thing t2=f1 in its development towards/into f2 from f3 through stages f4=m3.
x1=ju1 is poaching/cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2=j2 by sitting it in poaching liquid/court bouillon x3=m1=f1 at temperature x4=f2 and pressure x5=f3.
x1=p1 thinks that x2=f1 differs from/is distinct from/contrasts with/is unlike x3=f2 in property/dimension/quality x4=f3; x1 distinguishes between x2 and x3 because of differing property/dimension/quality x4.
x1=z1=g1 is a zmico that modifies the terbri default specification of a brivla, producing result x2=z2=g3 at level/with construct-orientation x3=z3 with discourse duration x4=z4 in language x5=z5; x1 is a default specification modifier that produces output re-specification x2
x1=c1 climbs/[goes up/ascends] upwards on wall/fence/mountain/boulder/obstacle x2=c2 using x3=c4 [limbs/tools/equipment] towards top/summit x4=g1 from base/floor/baseline/standard height x5=g3.
t1=g1=r1 is an indehiscent fruit/seed-envelope (which remains closed/sealed and whole) of organism t2 with potential to produce/containing/enclosing offspring t3=g3 preventing passage to g2
(default: external environment)
x1 (si'o) deserves a gismu x2 by standard x3 according to x4, over the objections of x5, even though it would conflict with gismu x6 and x7 is a perfectly good zi'evla
f1 (member) exhibits aneuploidy (atypical quantity of chromosome) of type/number n1 in/with respect to chromosome gc1 which is atypical of species/set gc3=f3
x1 is the biological/full/genetic-familial/'blood' parent of x2; x2 is the biological offspring/direct and immediate genetic-familial descendant of x1.
x1 is a biological/genetic-familial/'blood' aunt/uncle of x2 by genetic-familial bond/tie/blood relation x3; x1 is a genetically and familially associated member of x2's genetic/biological parent(s)'s generation.
x1 is a genetic/biological ancestor (or familial peer thereof) of x2 by relationship/to degree x3 through/along graph-geodesic within their shared biological family.
c1 is a quantity of café au lait/latte/café con leche/cappuccino/flat white/coffee with heated dairy [or similar] product/creamer/whitener la1=g1, addition warm by standard g2.
x1 and x2 both have had/are having (not necessarily simultaneously) sexual intercourse with x3, with the relevant difference(s) between x1 and x2 being x4.
x1 (node in graph) is near x2 (node in same connected graph component), such that they are path-connected, along path(s) x3 (default: at least one pairwise graph geodesic, with no restriction on which paths are considered) according to edge weighings x4 in connected graph component x5, with nearness standard/satisfying other conditions x6.
x1 (node in graph) is among the very nearest nodes to x2 (node in same graph), such that they are path-connected, along path(s) or paths of type x3 (default: directed graph geodesics from x2 to candidate other nodes, such that each of these candidates (plus x1) are pairwise distinct from x2) according to edge weighings x4 in connected graph component x5, with nearness standard/satisfying other conditions x6, the extreme x7 (default: ka zmadu, implying most-near) being amongst set/range x8 of candidate nodes.
x1=p1=k1 passes through portal/generically exits or enters via portal (entrance/exit) x2=p2 to destination side x3=p3=k2 from origin side x4=p4=k3 via route x5=k4 using means/vehicle x6=k5.
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/e^(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where e is the natural exponential base and x3 [li; default: 1] is a real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the one-(e^(x3))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) (x3)-th one-e-th-ing/e-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately half according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x3; x1 is the half-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) halving of population x2 takes approximately x1 (dimensionful number: time).
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where x3 [li; default: 1] is a positive real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the (x3^(-1))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) one-x3-th-ing/(x3)-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
s1 is a communist ideology (default: Marxist-Leninist) as it applies to the governance of
people/territory/domain t2 based on the works of thinker(s) s3
x1 is the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the ... captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to x2 (subject, entity, vehicle, domain), connected by intermediate steps x3.
x1 is an object that has a shape that is three-dimensional and has an axis (especially of symmetry and/or along which cross-sections are mutually similar), or which is approximately a figure of revolution, or which is approximately the result of taking a two-dimensional shape and sweeping it along a curve in a constant way; x1 is (nearly) cylindrical and is made of/has composition x2, having geometric/topological properties x3.
x1 is a source language for Lojbanic gismu x2, contributing word x3 (zoi) to make it, which were adapted into the Lojban alphabet as x4 (lo'u or zoi), the language having weight in the algorithm x5 (li)
x1=n1 is an event of x2=s1 recognizing/celebrating x3=s2=l1, lojbanic in aspect x4=l2, with party/actions x5=s3; x1 is Logfest with attendees/participants x2.
p1 is/acts as a friend to/of p2 in the context of their shared interest in j1 which reflects [Loglandic]/Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect j2
x1=l1=s1 is plaything/toy of player x2=s2 and reflects [Loglandic]/Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x3=l2; x1=l1=s1 is Lojbanic game played by x2=s2.
x1=di1=dj1 is a regularly-occurring period of days off work [weekend] lasting x2=dj2 days, recurring every x3=j2=di3 weeks (default 1), for worker x4=g1, at job x5=g2
x1 is work-heirarchy "uncle/aunt" of x2 via relation/partial ordering x3; x1 is either (in a narrow sense) a direct subordinate of the direct boss/superior/manager of x2's direct boss/superior/manager, or is (in a broader sense) an equal-level co-worker of x2's direct boss/superior/manager (no matter the exact relation).
x1 does not know that fact(s) x2 (du'u), which are about subject x3, are false by epistemology x4 / it is consistent with x1's knowledge that x2 may be true
x1 is a "false friend" (letter/symbol in a different writing system that looks similar, but differs significantly in meaning) to x2, in alphabet/character-set x3 representing x4
x1 is a "false friend" (word in different language that looks or sounds similar, but differs significantly in meaning) to x2, meaning x3 in language x4.
x1 is a region/room/volume of space which is shaped like a washer (or thin or flattened torus/toroid), between inner disk/sphere x2 and outer disk/sphere x3, defined by midplane x4, and containing x5.
x1 is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with something which ... which is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with x2 via intermediate things/steps x3 (ce'o), with respective points/loci of (con)juncture x4 (ce'o).
l1 is a regular/predictable lujvo (compound predicate word) with meaning l2 and arguments l3 built from phrase l4 and having an argument structure according to rule j1.
x1=m1=j2 is beautiful because it follows rule x2=j1=m3 to observer x3=m2; x1 is symmetrical (generalized sense to anything that is beautiful due to having a pattern).
x1 is a word which is a {cmevla} (morphological name-word), referring to x2 and used by x3, and which is also of the form of a lujvo (excepting the last rafsi) formed from veljvo x4, in language x5
x1 is the dust at the bottom of the cereal box, thereby illustrating the principle that the definition of a lujvo need not be constrained by that of its constituent selrafsi
c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is Lojbanic lujvo l1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] s3 (ka/ni)
x1 (agent) count-measures/evaluates x2=m2 [quantity] as x3=k3=m3 [number counted] items/units of/in/pertaining to set x4=k2, on scale x5=m4 (si'o; default: from 0 representing nothing/no instances of the item, and by (units of) 1 for each additional occurrence if the item is quantized) with accuracy x6=m5 (ideally should be exact/perfect). x2 is countably measurable.
s1 is the concept of representative democracy (default: political representative democracy) as it applies to the governance of t2 based on the works of thinker(s) s3
x1 = ka1 is handedness/chirality/stereoisomerism/property of being chiral which is exhibited by x2 = xansa1, the chirality having type/signature/manifestation x3 = xansa2, according to standard/rule/consideration x4 = xansa3 and under conditions x5 = xansa4.
x1 predates/preys upon/is a predator of another which
predates/preys upon/is a predator of another which ... which predates/preys upon/is a predator of another which predates/preys upon/is a predator of x2 by intermediate steps x3 (ce'o).
x1 is (one sense)/represents (different sense) a qubit with x2 eigenstates, where eigenstates x3 (ordered list) respectively correspond to bit states x4 (ordered list with as many entries as x3)
x1=z1 watches movie/film/audio-video x2=z2=s1 about subject x3=s2 by filmmaker x4=s3 intended for audience x5=s4 by sensory means x6=z3 under conditions x7=z4
x1 (set) is a set such that the complement of which (taken in/relative to superset x3=kleivmu3 (set; default: some universal set)) has property/is characterized by x2 (ka).
x1=g1 sexually violates/harms/rapes/violates the sexual rights of victim x2=g2=xr2=k2, violation by sexual activity (sex used as a weapon/means of harm), in property x3=xr3 (ka) by resulting in injury x4=xr4 (state), violating right x5=k1 (event) which is morally/legally guaranteed but actually violated under standards x6=k3
x1=m4=k3 is a placebo [substance with no pharmacological effect] which patient x2=m2=k1 believes/expects to cure ailment x3=m3, placebo given by doctor/nurse x4=m1.
x1 is measures equal to/is a quantum negative electric charge [-e/3; electric charge of a down quark] in electric charge, under signum convention x2 (default: proton has charge equal to -3 times this unit).
x1=g1 works on x2=g2 with goal/purpose x3=g3 which is associated to school x4=c1 at x5=c2 teaching subject(s) x6=c3 to audience/community x7=c4 (of which x1 is a part) operated by x8=c5
x1 is ornamentation related to/composing/pertaining to/forming an element of interior design/room content arrangement/home decoration (including wall decorations, accent walls, and focus items/centerpieces) and/or structural design/blueprint for x2 (particular room/structure) in larger structure (such as building) x3, that is done for purely aesthetic (as opposed to functional) reasons
x1 is ornamentation related to/composing/pertaining to/forming an element of interior design/room content arrangement/home decoration (including wall decorations, accent walls, and focus items/centerpieces), but not a structural design/blueprint, for x2 (particular room/structure) in larger structure (such as building) x3
x1 is cloisonné ornamentation on x2 that exhibits cloisons/cloisters/compartments/cells/separated box regions (filled with/meant for) x2 and with separating barriers x3 (usually metal).
x1 is a quincunx/quincuncial arrangement/pattern formed from objects x2 according to rule/quadralateral x3 (contextless default: essentially square upon an essentially flat surface)
is a hypercube/right-angled/orthogonal regular polyhedron/polygon/polytope defined by set of vertices kur2, of dimensions kur3=kub2, surfaces/sides kub3.
x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) galactic units (i.e.: the average distance between the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the center of Sol system) by standard x3.
c1 (quoted word(s)) is the family name (as opposed to the given name) of family member c2=z2, used by namer/name-user c3. The family is bonded/tied/joined according to standard z3.
lr1=xa1 is / are the earliest person(s) to dwell/live/reside/abide at/inhabit/be a resident of location/habitat/nest/home/abode xa2 among set / range lr2.
x1=k1 is a bathroom, in which x2=l1 washes x3=l2 (self/other(s)/body part), in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
c1=m2 moralizes expressing c2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) to audience c3 via expressive medium c4
using/based on ethics/morals/moral standards/ethical standards m1
x1=s1=m1 is the material environment/surrounding material (i.e. gaseous/liquid atmosphere, vacuum, etc.) enclosing x2=s2 in direction(s)/dimensions(s)/plane x3=s3=m3, of type/composition including x4=m2.
c1 is an electromagnetic relay which allows electric current c2 = df1 to flow under conditions c3 in / on / through df2 flowing in direction to / towards df3 from direction/source df4.
n1 (agent) punishes n2 [recipient] for atypical n3 (event/property) with punishment/penalty/demerit n4. It’s a interpreted as a punishment according m3.
x1 is a step-parent via the mother of x2 due to marriage with the latter's mother according to law/custom x3, where said motherhood is not necessarily biological.
x1 underestimates the value satisfying x2 (ka/ni) by amount x3, underestimated with likelihood x4; x2 (property) is satisfied by a number greater by amount x3 than that expected by x1 with likelihood x4
f1=m1 (event) is a mental event that happens/occurs/takes place in a/the mind of m2; x1 is an incident/happening/occurrence of thought/dream/feeling/realization or any other mental activity .
x1 is related to medical treatment/science/practice, or is medicinal, or is medical, or is related to healthcare, or is related to the practice/occupation of medicine or being a medical practitioner (doctor, nurse, midwife, pharmacist, technician, etc.; also: psychologists, psychiatrists, physical therapists, physicians, veterinarians, hospital administrators, vel sim.), or pertains to hospitals or caregiving, concerning general class of subjects/patients x2 or ailment/body-part x3 or form of treatment/care x4.
x1=p1 is a photosynthesis process in which light (energy) and other substances x2=g1=b1 converts into substances/chemical energy x3=b2 under conditions x4=b3 in plant/organism x5=j1, proceeding in stages x6=p2.
x1=r1=va1 is a rock cobtaining trace/remnant/fossil x2=vi4=va2 of biological entity/organism x2=j1=vi3, with rock composition x4=r2 and from location x5=r3; x2 is the fossilized trace of organism x3 preserved in rock x1
x1 is fused to x2 at locus x3 so that their periphery there were slightly melted and then allowed to solidify in a manner such that they remained whole am but also (at least on the molecular scale) intertwined
x1 experiences pain at locus x2 in their mouth, associated with/caused by the production of saliva (such as by its subsequent release into the part-time glands)
x1=traji1=moi1 is the x2=moi(-1)th (li) most extreme member of set/range x5=traji4=moi2 (set; possibly ordered) in property/ordered according to measure of property x3=traji2 \sim moi (ka) measuring from the x4 = traji3-est/utmost (ka; default: ka zmadu) member, which/who has a similar ordinality count of x6 (li) in the same set by the same ordering.
d1 is d2 (default 1) tablespoon(s)/tablespoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=15 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
d4 is d2 (default 1) dessertspoon(s)/dessertspoonful(s)/cochleare medium (dstspn./cochl. med.) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 dessertspoon=10 mL),d1 tablespoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
d5 is d2 (default 1) teaspoon(s)/teaspoonful(s)/cochleare minus (t., ts., tsp. or tspn./cochl. min.)[volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 teaspoon=5 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d1 tablespoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
p1 is a short-cycle tertiary education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
p1 is the fifth closest planet (default is Jupiter if p2 is the Sun) revolving around p2 (default is the Sun), with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
l1=n2 is an Indian lotus/sacred lotus/bean of India (Nelumbo nucifera) [plant/flower/herb], with nuts n1,
of strain/cultivar l2 , symbolizing l3 to culture/religion l4.
x1=n1=g1=c1=ka3 is a baby-cut carrot, which is small in property/dimension(s) x5=c2 as compared with standard/norm x6=c3, cut by tool/blade x2=ka1 from carrot x3=ka2=n1, which is of variety x4=g2.
x1 = t2 is attracted to males in property/manner/capacity x2 = t3 (ka), where maleness is determined by evincing masculine traits/according to standard x3 = n3 (ka).
dji1=dju1 desires/wants/wishes unknown era dji2=c1=dju3 (event/state) characterized by c2 (event/property/interval/idea) for purpose dji3. dji1=dju1 is nostalgic.
t1=c1 is afraid of saying syllable(s) c2=sl1 of language sl2 to c3 via c4 because they believe that saying them is not necessary for continuing state/process sa2 under conditions sa3
The use of x1 for purpose x2 is discouraged in favour of the use of x3, whose age is less than the age of x1, because x3 is superior to x1.
x1, when used for purpose x2, is deprecated in favour of x3.
x1 (vector) is the differintegral (with respect to time) of order x2 of the displacement of x3 (object/point) relative to x4 (object/point/frame of reference; contextless default: the origin in the home frame) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x5 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x6, taken with starting point x7
x1 (scalar-valued) is the magnitude of the vector of the differintegral (with respect to time) of order x2 of the displacement of x3 (object/point) relative to x4 (object/point/frame of reference; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x5 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x6, where the differintegral is taken with starting point x7, in metric/by definition x8
x1 (unitless/dimensionless number; li) is the specific gravity (density or concentration ratio) of x2 (substance) with respect to/by standard/per unit of density/concentration of x3 (substance), where density/concentration of each substance is being taken per unit x4 = nildenmi3 at locus x5 = nildenmi4 of density/concentration type x6 = nildenmi5.
x1 [possibly dimensionful number] is the local density/concentration of/in x2 (object) per unit x3 at locus x4, of density type x5; x2 measures x1 units of x5 per unit x3 at locus x4.
n1 is a number of points / score / indication of an attempt to win a competition won by j1 over opponent(s) j3 in competition j4, points measured on scale n2.
x1=n1 (quantity/amount) is the physical work performed on object x2=m1=b2 (object), due to/applied by x3=b1 (force; ka?), in its (x2's) movement to destination x4=m2 [away] from origin x5=m3 along(/by/in/on) path/route x6=m4
n1 is the voicing of/amount of phonation of/state of the vocal folds during speech sound/vocal product x2 made by instrument/locus/vocalization tool v1 in individual speaker v2.
x1 is an instance of neurotransmitter b2=x2
that carry messages to neuron/muscle/gland b3 from transmitter/origin b4 via nerves/medium n1=b5, with purity x3.
k1=j1=c1 dives to destination k2 from origin k3 via route k4 using means/vehicle k5 in
liquid j2 beneath/under/down from c2 (object/water surface) in frame of reference c3.
x1 is the zero(-like)/additive identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by ' 0R '
(for structure/ring R, specified by x2) or by '0' when context is obvious
x1=t2 is an element in the set that underlies structure/ring x2≈s3 that is nilpotent in that structure with nilpotency x3=t3 (nonnegative integer according to the typical rules)
x1 orders the impeachment trial of x2 over issue x3 within body/by judge/in system/via proceedings x4; x1 formally impeaches (pseudo-legalistic political process) authority x2 for alleged inadequacies x3.
x1 is a gathering/meeting/assembly/conclave/conference/ congregation/congress/convention/encounter/get-together/reunion of participants x2 at location x3 from locations x4.
f1 is a backup / danger avoiding duplicate / copy of f2=s1 in form / medium f3 made by method f4 to protect / secure against event s2 (generally destruction or loss).
x1 is patrilineal/agnatic to/an agnate of x2; x1 is path-connected to x2 via the fatherhood relation, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive agnates) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 and x2 have or had (not necessarily simultaneously) the same relationship to x3, that relationship being x4, with the relevant difference(s) between x1 and x2 being x5.
x1=k1 (mass/si'o) is an equivalence class within/is a substructure of
x2 (mathematical structure/object/category/set endowed with operations and properties) with defining characteristic/property/for similarity/under equivalence relation x3=p3, with representative member x4=p1=p2, in geometry/by standard/under paradigm x5=p4
x1=b2=p3 is a (predicate) equivalence relationship/similarity/parallel with/between/among arguments (sequence(s)/set(s)) x2=b3=p1=p2, partitioning (with only empty intersection) set/structure x3=p4; elements of x2 are mutually similar in property x1 within structure x3; x3
is partitioned by x1 into equivalence classes (including) x2;
x1 is a side of sheet/leaf of paper/page/thin writing surface (card), or is a quantity of text equivalent thereto, of sheet/leaf of 'paper' x2 in document/book/bound mass or sequence of pages x3.
x1 is a step-parent via the father of x2 due to marriage with the latter's father according to law/custom x3, where said fatherhood is not necessarily biological.
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the male-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born son of the first-born son of ... the first-born son of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born sons) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the (non-gendered/absolute) first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born offspring of the first-born offspring of ... the first-born offspring of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born offspring) x3 (ce'o; ordered list), "first" being according to ordering rule x4 (default, as used in this definition: chronological order of birth; restrictions on legitimacy etc. may also be included here).
x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, where the graph geodesic through the ancestorship-directed family tree from x1 to x2 is of length (x3) + 1 (li; x3 must be a nonnegative integer or positive infinity), and where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, with intermediate steps x3 (complete ordered list, "ce'o"; should include the relevant parent of x1), where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the female-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born daughter of the first-born daughter of ... the first-born daughter of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born daughters) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
p1 is the closest planet (default is Mercury if p2 is the Sun) revolving around p2 (default is the Sun), with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
x1 (si'o / proposed-or-existing cmavo) deserves a monosyllabic cmavo x2, even though language x3 (default Lojban) is running out of cmavo space, because of letteral-manipulation cmavo x4 and other-rarely-used cmavo x5, and it must have that monosyllabic cmavo at time x6 (default: lo ca'abna), [insert expletive x7 (default zo mabla)] it!
x1 is the one(-like) element/multiplicative identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by
' 1R ' or ' IR ' or by (when context is obvious) '1' or 'I', for structure/ring R (given by x2).
x1 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) and x2 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) are capable of mutually interbreeding/producing offspring with one another.
The feel/texture of c1=r1=p2 is hair-raising/sets one's teeth on edge/squicks/gives the willies/heebie-jeebies to p1, who touches it with p3 [a locus on p1 or an instrument] at p4 [a locus on c1=r1=p2].
x1 is a friend of a friend of ... a friend of x2 (experiencer), path-connected by the directed friendship relationship via intermediate nodes (friends) x3 (list; ce'o).
x1 is a friend of a friend of ... a friend of x2 (experiencer), path-connected by the directed friendship relationship via intermediate nodes (friends) x3 (list; ce'o).
x1 is a "false friend" (word in different language that looks or sounds similar, but differs significantly in meaning) to x2, meaning x3 in language x4.
x1 is like an island in a sea of x2; x1 is very distinct/foreign (in appearance, composition and/or behavior) from surroundings/environment/background x2.
x1=p1=c1 is a noodle/pasta/boiled dough eaten by x2=c2 made out of x3=p2 (normally grain(s) or legume(s)) which is boiled in x4=f1 (normally water) at temperature x5=f2 and pressure x6=f3
s1 (mass) is a quantity of bound salad [salad assembled with thick sauces] with ingredients/components including k1=s2 (mostly fresh leafy vegetables).
t1 is a (drinking) straw/sucker of material t2 used by drinker/sucker (agent) p1=t1 for drinking beverage/drink/liquid refreshment p2 from/out-of container/source p3.
x1=p1 uses/employs x2=p2=k1 (reason/justification/explanation/pretext/excuse) for/causing/permitting x3=p3=k2 (event/state); p1=x1 justifies x3=p3=k2 (event/state) via justification x2=p2=k1; x2=p2=k1 is the reason/justification/explanation/pretext/excuse for x3=p3=k2 (event/state) used by x1=p1 (justifier).
f1=c1 [value] is a/the median/quartile/decile/percentile/fraction-type of median with numerator f2, denominator f3 in property/amount c2 (ka/ni) among p1 (s) (ordered set) by standard c4.
x1 infects a recipient who infects a recipient who infects ... who infects recipient x2 with contagion x3 via means of infection/contamination x4 and through intermediaries x5 (ce'o list).; x1 spreads contagion x3 through a network such that they indirectly infect x2 via a route through finitely-many intermediary nodes x5.
x1=m1 is a dust-bunny/quantity of dust-bunnies/fluffy clump of various dusts and hair and other things, of composition x2=m2, held together by/with dust settling on surface x3=p3
p1 is a/the rhetorical process by
b1=c1 (agent) verbally expressing c2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience c3, good/beneficial/nice for x2 by standard x3 proceeding in stages p2.
p1 is a/the translation process in which f1 translates text/utterance f2 to language f3 from language f4 with translation result f5 proceeding in stages p2
j1=r1 is a thesis statement/main argument/most significant among arguments r2 (set/name of essay/work), about/for stand j2=d2 (du'u) against d3 (du'u), by arguer d1 in language j3.
x1=j1 is an atomic clock measuring time units x2=j2 to precision x3=j3 by using atoms of element/atomic number x4=r2 of isotope number/atomic weight x5=r3
s1 is a concept of dualism/an idea that the fundamental part of existence f1 differs/is distinct from/contrasts with/is unlike the other fundamental part of existence f2
in property/dimension/quantity f3, by thinker s2.
p1 is the second closest planet (default is Venus if p2 is the Sun) revolving around p2 (default is the Sun), with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
x1 is a quantity of substances, sugars included, dissolved in substance x2 (probably water) so as to form solution x3 (tree sap) under conditions/produced by tree x4; x3 is a quantity of tree sap with sugars (and other substances) x1 dissolved in x2 (probably liquid water)
d1=s1 (individual, mass) performs a ceremonial/ritual dance for purpose/goal r2, by custom/in community r3, with form/rules r4 to accompaniment/music/rhythm d2.
x1 raises/is a mentor to someone who raises/is a mentor to someone who raises/is a mentor to [...]
to someone who raises/is a mentor to x2 via intermediate steps x3 (ce'o).
x1 is direct ancestor/mentorial-ancestor of x2 of order x3 (li; nonnegative integer) in graph/network of ancestry (family tree) x4 (defaults to maximal option), where x3 is the smallest possible number which is so constrained; x1 is the x3th-great-grandparent of x2.
d1 is/are (one or more of) the British Islands [United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; the Bailiwick of Jersey; the Bailiwick of Guernsey (including Alderney, Herm and Sark); the Isle of Man]
x1 pertains to/reflects the culture/geography of the British Isles/the Anglo-Celtic Isles (Insular culture), possibly including Brittany (especially in its early British history), in aspect x2.
x1=b1 becomes rock/is petrified/is fossilized/is transformed into a statue x2=r1=b2 (result) of composition x3=r2 at/from location x4=r3 under condition x5=b3
x1 is a rocky planet/terrestrial planet/'Earth', revolving around x2 with planetary characteristics (possibly including rock composition) x3 and orbital parameters
x1 =g1 (agent) petrifies/turns/'freezes'/fossilizes x2=b1 into rock/fossil/statue x3=r1=b2 (result) of rock composition x4=r2 and at/from location x5=r3 under conditions x6=b3.
z1=ri2 is orchestral music (classical music or music written in a classical style) produced/performed by z2=ri1 (event), with form/rules/in tradition ri4.
botpi1 is an OS-level/application-level container / zone / virtual private server / partitions / virtual environment / virtual kernel / jail
for contents botpi2 isolated via botpi3 and having access to peripherals / network / file system botpi4
x1 becomes incapable of writing characters x2 of alphabet/writing system x3, which is reflects chinese culture/languge/etc. in aspect x4 and which represent x5, on writing surface/medium x6 with writing implement x7 under conditions of being incapable x8 under conditions of becoming incapable x9, as a result of x1 making excessive use of x10 which is a computer for purpose x11 or x12 which is a phone connected to network x13, used for purpose x14, excessive by amount x15.
x1 is a scalar in structure/set x2 with properties (potentially including magnitude, etc. in a given metric and coordinate system) x3; x1 is a simple number; x1 is a number that lacks
x1 (action/resulting state) is the agreed-upon commitment for which x2 (set of individuals) hold each other mutually accountable, acting as each other's judge/authority.
x1 is a term in binary metaphor/tanru x2 (text) with other element (modifying or being modified by) x3 so as to produce meaning x4 in context/usage/instance x5
x1 is an ordered series of podcast episodes/podcast serial, ordered by conparison rule x2 (contextless default: production order or intended listening order, or reverse of these), and being entirely composed of all of the individual episodes belonging to set x3.
x1 is a bound mass or sequence of pages/papers, a document/book/(mass of) scroll(s), with pieces/sheets/leaves of paper/papyrus/parchment (thin writing surface) x2.
x1 is infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by ... which was infected/contaminated by x2, regarding/pertaining to contagion x3 and via means of transmission x4, through intermediary nodes x5 (ce'o list).
x1 sends x3 to someone who sends x3 to someone who ... who sends x3 to someone who sends x3 to x2 from transmitter/origin x4 via medium/means x5, via intermediate recipients x6 (ce'o).
x1 gives/pays x2 to someone who gives pays (some portion of) x2 or the equivalent thereof (possibly united with other things) to someone who gives/pays ... to someone who gives/pays (some portion of) their relevant gift/payment or the equivalent thereof (possibly united with other things/payment) to x3 through intermediate steps x4 (ce'o).
x1 is a word with mutually incompatible definitions/meanings/effects x2 (plural; use connectives) by/in/between rules/standards/dictionar(y/ies) x3 in or for language x4.
x1=k1=r1=z2 is a cryptic organism/stealth object/having the ability to avoid observation/detection by x2=z1=r2=k2 via senses/means (observer) x3=z3 through action/state x4=r3 (event) under conditions x5=z4=k3.
x1 (metric space/set/class/structure) is a metric subspace/subset(/subclass) of x2 (metric space/set/class) which is closed therein. x1 is an closed subset of x2, where closedness is taken to be understood as being considered within x2 and under the metric shared by x1 and x2
v1 is an idea-carrying virus / meme / self-propagating idea capable of infecting / currently infecting v3=s3 with idea / concept / belief / opinion s1 about thing / topic / subject s2.
x1 metaphorically translates/transfers/extends/applies concept x2 to new context x3 from prior context x4; x1 uses concept x2 in new way x3, derived from prior way x4.
x1 synthesizes complex concept x2 out of constituent concepts including x3 (jo'u) [less understandable/meaningful in isolation] for purposes of study, using method of synthesis x4.
x1 (collection/system of objects, generally relative chaos) is/are in alignment/linear arrangement/generalized geometric syzygy/eclipsing configuration/linear set-up, the organization/pattern/result x2 of which is according to rule x3
x1 = sitna1 = utka1
cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself in turn cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source, ..., which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source x2 = sitna2 = utka2, via intermediate path-connecting steps x3 = utka3 (ordered list; ce'o), all for the same information/statement x4 = sitna3 (du'u).
x1 (possibly indirectly) cites x2, via intermediate citation path x3 (ordered list; ce'o), for information/statement x4, such that said x2 is the ultimate source (along path x3) for said information/statement x4.
x1=c1 is a bow/crossbow/ballista for shooting ammunition x2=c2 [arrow/quarrel/crossbow bolt] by flexing and releasing bow/prod/lath x3=g1 of material x6=g3, to whose two ends are tied bow string x4=g2=s1 of material x5=s2.
x1=l1=s2 is an ambulance; an object producing sound x2=s1 and which has its name x3=l2 transformed by transformation x4=l3 (default: reflection) written on it
x1=k1=s1 is a closet/storeroom for materials x2=s2 in containment x3=s3 in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
x1=b1=s1 is a Soviet cow/cattle/kine/ox/[bull/steer/calf] [beef-producer/bovine] of species/breed x2=b2 and reflecting USSR/ex-USSR [Soviet] culture/nationality in aspect x3=s2.
x1=c1=p1 is sexually polyamorous/sexually loves many people/more than one person including, but not limited to, set x2=p2 in situation/activity/state x3=c2, exhibiting sexuality/gender/sexual orientation (ka) x4=c3 by standard x5=c4.
x1 is a log (fallen/severed trunk) or clipping or cut-flower of/from a plant of species x2, belonging to individual tree (precursor) x3 and leavinf behind remainder/stump/bulb x4.
c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the place name [inherent/inalienable site/place/position/situation/spot/location] of c2=s1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
x1=m1 (non-agentively) suddenly moves/teleports/abruptly relocates/'jumps' in location to destination x2=m2 from origin x3=m3 by path (if applicable) x4=m4 (default: linear/projective/geodesic path connecting endpoints is implicitly assumed by speaker, but actual movement over this path is not necessary and may not even actually be true)
x1=z1=s1 is a zmico that functions as a pro-sumti which references specified default value x2=z2 (definition/function) that works with discourse-orientation x3=z3 (discourse exterior/interior), filling terbri of brivla/predicate x4=s2, in language x5=z5; x1 is a default-value-referencing pro-sumti with definition/function/value x2
x1 = c1 teaches/instructs x2 = c2 how to use method x3 = c4 = t1 in order to achieve outcome x4 = t2 (event) under execution conditions x5 = t3, via teaching technique x6 = c5 (event); x1 teaches/instructs x2 how to do x4.
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a biconvex lens formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3; x1 is the convex-only region bounded by intersecting circular arcs given by x2
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
x1=p1 is a network route/path to node x2=p2=t1 from node x3=p3=t1 via points/nodes x4=p4 within
transport/communication/distribution system/network x5=t2.
The extent to which x1 exhibits property x2 is significantly greater than the extent to which the typical member of set x3 is capable of exhibiting property x2.
x1 is the default in/of function x2 pertaining to x3 when no option is chosen/specified from potential/candidate pool (set, list) x4 under additional/other conditions x5
The elapsed time/duration between x1 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) and x2 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) is equal to the elapsed time/duration between x1 and x3 (nu, or time-/date-stamp), such that x2 occurred no later than x3 (thus, x1 is also a temporal midpoint between them), in frame of reference x4.
x1 is the differintegral of x2 with respect to time of differintegral order x3 and with starting point/initial condition/point (in time and possibly other inputs) at which evaluation is taken x4.
x1 (li) is the arity of predicate relationship x2; selbri (not restricted to Lojban) is x1-adic; x2 is a predicate with x1(-many) sumti/argument slots that may be filled.
x1=bP1=p1 is a subordinate clause relation / abstraction relation with predicate x2=bP2 and arguments x3=bP3, among the arguments x4=p2=bZ3 of relation x5=bZ1.
x1 (sequence/set of texts) are arguments, the referents of which are related by relation represented by x2 (text) for a predicate relationship represented by x3 (text).
x1 (letteral: la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hyphen/joining letter(al) in language x2 with function in/context of use/with rules for use/with properties x3, joining prefixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x4 (quote) to postfixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x5 (quote) in construct (full word) x6 (quote)
x1=j2=p3 (ka; jo'u/fa'u term) is the minor difference in/between x2=p2 and x3=p1 that is to be ignored, their similarity being by standard/in geometry x4; x2 is the same as/similar to/parallels x3 in standard/geometry x4 up to/modulo/except for/ignoring unimportant difference x1;
x1 is a member of the unordered set x2 upon which rules x3 are applied in order to produce list x4; x1 is a member of the elements constituting list x4.
x1=j1 (event/state) is the meteorological result of sudden weather change from previous weather/weather conditions x2=j2 (event/state) at location/region x3=t2, discontinuous/sharp at point x4=s2, in (more specific) aspect/process/function x5=s3
c1=m1=t2, sound produced by the friction/contact/rubbing between m2 and m3, is a gride sound/hair-raising/sets one's teeth on edge/squicks/gives the willies/heebie-jeebies to t1, who hears it against background/noise t3.
x1=m1 is shade-darkened/has shadow x2=c1 cast upon it by obfuscating/blocking/(at least semi-)opaque object x3=c2 from energy/light/transmission source x4=c3; x2 is the shadow-eclipse caste upon x1 by x3, blocking radiation from x4
k1=f1 comes/goes against stream/current/gravity/force to destination k2=f2 from origin k3=f3 in in gravity well/frame of reference f4 via route k4 using means/vehicle k5.
k1 subitizes (effortlessly/immediately/instantly counts the number in/recognizes the cardinality of) set k2 to be k3 [number/count], counted by/in terms of units k4
x1 is the geodesic path from x2 to x3 via or through points including/on connected manifold component/in connected graph component x4, with distance being measured by standard/metric/weighting x5.
j1=c1=v1 (object/person) is scuba diving beneath/below/under from c2 (object/water surface) in frame of reference c3 breathing/respiring v2 [gas], submerged in liquid j2.
x1=d1=v4 is a signal recording and playback tape-type medium (cassette/DAT/tape drive) containing data/sound/image x2=v2 with data storage mechanism/method x3 (analog/digital)
x1 is a metaphor [of affix compound] with meaning [of affix compound] x2 with argument [of affix compound] x3 with affix compound x4; x1 is the tanru/metaphor construct of complex word/affix compound/lujvo x4
x1 is a relatively flat alluvial plain/river delta between (mostly) terminal branches of river x3 on landmass x4, near or touching terminal point/boundary x2.
x1=e1 is a textual (version of) description x2=e2=v4 understood by / produced by / communicated by x3=e3=v1 in language x4=e4, description of x5=v2 for audience x6=v3.
x1 is the x2th-order time-differintegral of the cost/fee/debt or revenue ((possibly: monetary) charge/value) of or at which x3 is sold to/bought by customer x4 from vendor/seller x5, with differintegral starting point x6.
x1=vr1 is a record of x2=ve1 [seller] having sold
x3=ve2 [goods/service/commodity] to buyer x4=ve3 for amount/cost/expense x5=ve4, stored on medium x6=vr4.
x1 = v1 = j1 is a quantity of putty (viscous/thick semisolid-semiliquid) of composition x2 = j2, viscous/thick under conditions x3 = v2; x1 is putty (or has the texture/characteristics thereof)
x1=k1 is a loo/water closet/[room with toilet], in which x2=v1 excretes x3=v2, in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
stuzi1 is a public convenience area, toilet, lavatory, WC area, restroom (not limited to buildings or rooms in them) for vikmi1 excreting waste vikmi2 from source vikmi3 via means/route vikmi4.
x1 is the similarity relation between all members of set x2 (set of quoted words) such that they all mean esentially one common thing x3 and are considered to be identical in any meaningful way in language x4.
x1=xa1 is hungry to talk about x2 using words in language x3=v3. In other words, x1=xa1 wishes there existed useful words for x2 in the language x3=v3.
x1=p4 is the locus/place of (vocal) articulation of sound/vocal product x2=v1=c2 made by instrument/locus/vocalization tool x3=p3 in individual speaker x4=v2=c1=p1
p1 is a post-secondary non-tertiary education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
p1 is the fourth closest planet (default is Mars if p2 is the Sun) revolving around p2 (default is the Sun), with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
xl1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a fingerspelling sign in character-set of sign language/system of manual communication xl2 representing letter/digit/symbol xl3=l1 in written alphabet/character-set xl2 performed by hand(s) xl4.
x1 is a stereoisomer/stereoisomeric chemical compound of substance x2 with chirality signature/type x3 according to definition/standard x4 and under constraints x5.
p1 is a bachelor's degree or equivalent education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
p1 is the sixth closest planet (default is Saturn if p2 is the Sun) revolving around p2 (default is the Sun), with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
x1=fP5 is a translation of translation x2=fP2=fZ5 from (intermediate) language x3=fP3=fZ4 to (final) language x4=fP4 by x5=fP1, with intermediate translation source x6=fZ2 from (starting) language x7=fZ3 by x8=fZ1.
x1 philosophizes/cogitates/ruminates/thinks profoundly about topic x2, with specifics of thought x3 and methodology x4, belonging to school/branch/super- philosophy x5; x1 is a philosopher/philosophe (not necessarily professional or trained).
x1 is an improperly-created/wrongly-proposed/illy-proposed lujvo with intended meaning x2 but actual interpretation/built from metaphor x3, due to/with error x4 in its rafsi x5, which is unacceptable to x6 by standard x7, in language x8
x1=s1 drives vehicle x2=m1 illegally according to people/culture/judges/prosecutor x3=z2 under influence of x4=xl1 (agent/property/substance) which affects driving with effect x5=xl2.
x1 is a pidgin/Creole language/dialect formed from reduction and conmingling of superstrate languages including x2, used by x3 in order to express/communicate x4 (si'o/du'u; not quote)
x1 = c1 is a gun/chemically launched metal slug throwing weapon for use against x2 by x3; weapon fires metallic objects x4 using chemical propellant x5.
x1 is infrared or infrasound vel sim. (sensu lato; having too large of a wavelength to be visible, audible, or relevantly sensed/detectable) for sense/sensory device/by standard x2 in medium/under conditions/in frame of reference x3.
t1 [process] is a method/recipe for crafting/making/assembling/building/manufacturing/creating z2 out of materials/parts/components z3 under conditions t3.
x1=c1=z2 laughs about x2=z1 (abstract) in property/aspect x3=z3; x1=c1=z2 is amused about x2=z1 (abstract) amusing in property/aspect x3=z3 which causes x1=c1=z2 to laugh.
p1 is a master's degree or equivalent education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
p1 is the seventh closest planet (default is Uranus if p2 is the Sun) revolving around p2 (default is the Sun), with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
x1 is aware that they cannot make music x2 but nevertheless tries and fails to do so, thus increasing their jealousy and self-hatred resulting in mind-state x3
x1 is is a free word (word which can be freely inserted into or deleted from a sentence without making it ungrammatical), with meaning/function x2 in usage (language) x3
x1 (quote) is a zi'evla/fu'ivla categorizer particle/morpheme/unit with meaning/indicating category x2, having properties x3, and that is appended in zi'evla (full word) x4, in language x5
x1 = m2 [quantity] is x2 = k3 = m3 [number counted] items/units of/in/pertaining to set x3 = k2, on scale x4 = m4 (si'o; default: from 0 representing nothing/no instances of the item, and by (units of) 1 for each additional occurrence if the item is quantized). x1 is countably measurable.
x1=l2 is a formal character-set/alphabet containing letter(s)/characters/digits/terms x2=l1; x2 is a letter in formal alphabet x1 and is treated formally (it has no meaning, other than possibly being distinct from other letters in x1)
x1 overestimates the value satisfying x2 (ka/ni) by amount x3, overestimated with likelihood x4; x2 (property) is satisfied by a number lesser by amount x3 than that expected by x1 with likelihood x4